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San Antonio Bible Church
Rick Kolczak - Pastor Teacher

San Antonio, Texas
About San Antonio Bible Church
A non-denominational evangelical church presenting verse by verse expository teaching of the Scriptures from the original languages in the light of its historical background. Pertinent doctrines are examined categorically as revealed by the text. NOT Charismatic and NOT Calvinistic.
"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my load is light" (Mt 11:28- 29).
“We excuse other men for not having a technical knowledge of the Bible. We do not expect all men to know the details of medicine, law, banking, railroading. But the preacher cannot be excused from an accurate apprehension of the New Testament. This is the book that he undertakes to expound. It is his specialty, and this he must know whatever else he does or does not know. Excuses for neglecting the New Testament are only excuses after all.”
A. T. Robertson, The Minister and His Greek New Testament, p. 19.
San Antonio Bible Church. Emphasis on proper interpretation of the Bible and proper application to life. A Bible Doctrine Church.
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